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Using Lube with Your Favourite Toys

When we think of lube, the first thing that cums to mind (excuse the pun!) is sexual intercourse. Lube plays a pretty important part in the act of love, lust and passion. We slather ourselves in the liquid of love so that our ride is just as comfortable and enjoyable as it could possibly be.  But it’s surprising how many of us don’t actually bother using a lubricant when using a sex toy!  “Hold the phone!” I hear you gasp. “You mean people actually go without something silky and smooth to lubricate their pleasure when getting jiggy with a rabbit?”. Yes. It’s shocking, it’s surprising, but it’s true.  Some people just completely forget to buy lube and decide through sheer...

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Turn your Lubricant into the Appetiser of Sex!

Lubricants come in a variety of types to satisfy almost every body. As well as good old water-based, silicone-based and oil-based lubricants (the “staples” of the world of sex), we’re seeing a growing number of flavoured lubricants hitting the shelves. So what makes these lubes so attractive, and why are we buying them in such abundance?  Flavoured lubricants, believe it or not, are exactly that. Flavoured and scented to bring a twist to your sexual pleasure and help to spice things up. Unlike regular lubricants, flavoured lubricants taste so much better! (I mean, have you ever tried going down on someone with unflavoured lube? Having that unpleasant taste in your mouth does somewhat kill the mood!) The most common flavours...

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Why Go Natural?

Lube. The most essential ingredient to the enticing recipe of sexual intercourse. Coming in all sizes, scents and varieties, this handy little liquid of love helps to make sex as enjoyable as possible. But being faced with hundreds and hundreds of different brands, which do you choose? How do you stop becoming swallowed up by a sea of lubricant?  Many lubricants are created using a myriad of synthetic chemicals. Although these have been tested and are safe to use, they can sometimes cause irritation and unwanted sensations, lessening your pleasure and putting a downer on your time in the bedroom. Although in most cases these lubricants will be fine, it is worth considering a natural lubricant to avoid exposure to...

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